Recommended reading for intelligence analysts and security professionals.

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Latin America

📖 Recommended Reading - Latin America
Latin America is a diverse region with a complicated history and political landscape. For non-specialists, this can be a difficult region to start assessing, especially as the region includes almost three dozen countries. This week’s readings will offer some basic knowledge about Latin America to help analysts get started on the issues. 

📚 Books
Born in Blood and Fire by John Charles Chasteen
A sweeping introduction to Latin America, Chasteen give a broad historical overview of the region that will help anyone unfamiliar begin understanding the political, security, and economic issues.

The Path Between the Seas by David McCullough
The Panama Canal was the one of the most important infrastructural builds for the global economy, but it came about because of complicated geopolitical manipulations. McCullough gives a thorough and entertaining account of this critical historical event. 

Bolivar: American Liberator by Marie Arana
Simon Bolivar is one of the most important historical figures of the region, and his intellectual influence is still felt today. This excellent biography will offer a useful introduction to the figure and his impact on the region.

Beneath the United States by Lars Schoultz
The United States’ approach to Latin America from the Monroe Doctrine through the Cold War has directly and dramatically impacted the region as the US sees itself as the rightful dominant power in the Western Hemisphere. Analysts cannot understand contemporary issues without understanding this major foreign policy issue.

Latin America’s Cold War by Hal Brands
The Cold War was a defining period for Latin America because it was not cold for them. Insurgencies, dictatorships, revolutions, narco-terrorism, etc. all permeated this period and formed the foundation for modern politics in the region.

📑 Articles
What Brazil’s “multipolar” foreign policy means for the Bretton Woods institutions (Atlantic Council) 

Venezuela and the Struggle Between Autocracy and Democracy (Wilson Center)

US-Mexico energy cooperation is vital to enable nearshoring (Atlantic Council) 

Does Dollarization Mean Importing the Fed’s Monetary Policy? (AEI) 

U.S.-Latin America Trade and Investment (CRS)


Terrorism is often misunderstood because of the use of the term as a catchall for political violence. However, terrorism has a specific definition – politically motivated violence or the threat of violence by sub-state actors targeting non-combatants to spread fear. That specific definition also means that terrorism as a political phenomenon is different from other forms of violence. This week’s reading list offers the best books for security professionals to understand the history, ideas, motivations, and tactics of terrorism to improve their analysis.

1. Inside Terrorism (3rd edition) by Bruce Hoffman
2. God, Guns, and Sedition by Bruce Hoffman and Jacob Ware
3. Anonymous Soldiers by Bruce Hoffman
4. The Evolution of the Global Terrorist Threat by Bruce Hoffman
5. The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright
6. A High Price by Daniel Byman
7. Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement by Daniel Byman
8. Deadly Connections by Daniel Byman
9. Spreading Hate by Daniel Byman
10. What Terrorists Want by Louise Richardson
11. A Savage War of Peace by Alistair Horne
12. The Search for Al-Qaeda by Bruce Riedel
13. A Secret History of the IRA by Ed Moloney
14. The Master Plan by Brian Fishman
15. The 9/11 Commission Report


📚 Books
The American Plague by Molly Caldwell Crosby
Crosby tells the story of yellow fever in the United States and how the discovery of the cause dramatically changed America’s approach to infrastructure and healthcare.

The Great Influenza by John Barry
Focused on the Spanish flu of 1918 that killed as many 100 million people, Barry gives an account of the response and impacts of this quintessential event. Barry highlights to importance of the public’s trust in government to respond to future pandemics.

The World the Plague Made by James Belich
The Black Death ravaged Europe, killing at least a third of the continent. Belich explains how the Black Death’s impacts radically altered geopolitics by leading to the “rise of Europe.”

A Planet of Viruses by Carl Zimmer (3rd edition)
For those unfamiliar with the science of viruses, this book is an excellent introduction to viruses from their evolution to producing new diseases to their benefits.

Pathogenesis by Jonathan Kennedy
This is a meta-history of plagues and their impacts on human societies. Kennedy delineates how eight different pandemics altered human history by doing everything from bringing down empires to helping the rise of Christianity.

📑 Articles
How COVID-19 Changed the World (Brookings)

The Long Economic Hangover of Pandemics (IMF)

The New Global Health Security Strategy (CSIS)

The socioeconomics of pandemics policy (Brookings)

Holding China Accountable for Its Role in the Most Catastrophic Pandemic of Our Time: COVID-19 (Heritage Foundation)

Russia and Ukraine

📚 Books

Ukraine and Russia: From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War – Paul D’Anieri
Gives a history of Ukraine, the Russia-Ukraine relationship, and Russian antagonism with the West that all concatenated in the initial war in 2014.

Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine - Anne Applebaum
Discusses the famine caused by Joseph Stalin in the 1930s and how he attempted to destroy the Ukrainian national movement.

The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine - Serhii Plokhy
Plokhy explores the idea of a Ukrainian identity as it has historically sat between several different cultures and civilizations, including the Romans, Ottomans, Soviets, and Western Europe.

The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin – Steven Lee Myers
A detailed biography of the Russian leader, it is an insightful text that helps explain Putin’s foreign policy and behavior based on his life and ideology.

The Emergence of Rus 750-1200 - Simon Franklin and Jonathan Shepard
Russia has its origins in Kyivan Rus, a medieval state, and Russia’s interpretation of that history forms its justification for its war on Ukraine.

📑 Articles

Russian Military Objectives and Capacity in Ukraine Through 2024 (RUSI)

Understanding the Risk of Escalation in the War in Ukraine (RAND)

Preliminary Lessons from Ukraine’s Offensive Operations, 2022–23 (RUSI)

War and Peace: Ukraine’s Impossible Choices (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)

Reverberations From Ukraine - The Rising Risk of Conflict in Europe and Eurasia (CFR)

Conflict in Ukraine: A timeline (2014 – eve of 2022 invasion) (House of Commons Library, UK Parliament)


📚 Reading List - Liberalism
Liberalism has changed significantly over the last 200 years, and that evolution has led to drastically different policy decisions. The liberalism of Jefferson was different from the liberalism of FDR which was different from the liberalism of Obama. Understanding these different variants of liberalism will help analysts have better insight into decision-making, but that means they will need to delve into historical and philosophical texts. The following books are important for understanding the changes in liberalism, its historical foundations, and major philosophical frameworks.

▪ On Liberty by John Stuart Mill 
▪ Liberalism: The Classical Tradition by Ludwig von Mises
▪ The Promise of American Life by Herbert Croly
▪ Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
▪ A Theory of Justice by John Rawls
▪ Writing and Difference by Jacques Derrida
▪ The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander and Cornell West
▪ Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty
▪ The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes
▪ A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn
▪ The Open Society and its Enemies by Karl Popper
▪ Liberalism Ancient and Modern by Leo Strauss
▪ The Once and Future Liberal by Mark Lilla
▪ In the Shadow of Justice by Katrina Forrester
▪ Liberalism and Its Discontents by Francis Fukuyama

European Nationalism

📚 Books
The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray
Murray offers a conservative critique of the liberalism in the European Union that has catalyzed the return of nationalism. This is an important perspective to understand because it establishes the general framework for why so many have turned against European integration. 

Nationalism in Modern Europe by Derek Hastings
Hastings offers a historical perspective on nationalism in Europe, starting with the French Revolution and moving to the present. This text focuses on historiographical trends, which helps explain several modern nationalist movements.

The Nation and Nationalism in Europe: An Introduction Illustrated Edition by Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski, and Andrzej Marcin Suszycki
An academic exploration of nationalism, the text starts with looking at civic vs ethnic nationalism and then the different strands within them. This is an excellent book to grasp the theoretical issues needed for political risk analysis. 

The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt
This seminal text on totalitarianism also offers insight into the role nationalism plays into creating such systems. More philosophical than most books security professionals read, it remains the most important text on the subject.

Brexitland: Identity, Diversity and the Reshaping of British Politics by Maria Sobolewska and Robert Ford
This book uses public opinion data to trace the Brexit identity divide back to the 1960s and ’70s. The authors reveal the origins of this division, its long-standing presence, and how the referendum has amplified and reinforced it, profoundly affecting British politics.

📑 Articles
Regionalism and liberal nationalism in the European Union. A case Sui Generis? (Journal of European Policy)

France Turning Back to Nationalism (Cato Institute)

The rise of the Radical Right in Italy: the case of Fratelli d’Italia (Journal of Modern Italian Studies) 

The Southern Mirror: Reflections on Europe From the Global South (Carnegie Europe) 

Nations, Nation-States, and Nationalism (AEI) 


📚 Books
The Tragedy of Great Power Politics by John Mearsheimer 
Mearsheimer offers the best primer on great power politics and how competition can and does lead to conflict. An important aspect of great power competition is the balancing with other great and smaller powers.

The Origin of Alliances by Stephen Walt
Walt wrote the seminal work on “alliances,” which is a quintessential aspect of a multipolar world. New alliances are going to emerge over the coming decade as great powers attempt to bring middle and small powers to their side, and analysts should have a strong theoretical foundation on this issue.

The Evolution of International Society by Adam Watson
Multipolarity has not existed the same in every iteration. While Watson focuses on cooperation between powers in this book, it also offers insight into how historical power arrangements occurred in multipolar contexts.

Henry Kissinger and the American Century by Jeremi Suri
Kissinger is a controversial figure, but he is one of the few major foreign policy practitioners in the post-World War II era that incorporated multipolarity as part of his approach to international relations. Suri’s account of that incorporation will help people understand likely approaches current practitioners will take to deal with the issue.

📑 Articles
Europe in a Multipolar World (London School of Economics) 

Multipolar or multiplex? Interaction capacity, global cooperation and world order (International Affairs)

The Future of the Artic Order: Shaped by Unipolarity, Bipolarity, or Multipolarity? (George Marshall Foundation)

Multipolarity: American Theory and Russian Practice (Institute of International Relations Prague) 

Report on Deterrence in a World of Nuclear Multipolarity (US Department of State)

Books for Intelligence Analysts

1. Intelligence Analysis: A Target Centric Approach by Robert Clark
- Dive deep into deconstructing variables for successful intelligence analysis.

2. Critical Thinking for Strategic Intelligence by Katherine Pherson & Randolph Pherson
- Master analytic tradecraft adaptable to any topic.

3. World Order by Henry Kissinger
- Navigate geopolitical risks and understand the worldviews guiding political decisions.

4. Inside Terrorism by Bruce Hoffman
- A comprehensive look into the often misunderstood phenomenon of terrorism.

5. Like War by Peter W. Singer
- Unravel the complexities of disinformation in the online and geopolitical realms.

6. The Hacker and the State by Ben Buchanan
- Understand the convergence of the physical and cyber worlds in geopolitical threats.

7. Red Team by Micah Zenko
- Embrace different perspectives for a holistic analysis.

8. Playing to the Edge by Gen. Michael Hayden
- A firsthand exploration of the intelligence community during the early War on Terror.

9. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
- Dive into the intricacies of the human mind and its information-processing mechanisms.

10. The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
- A novel that offers insights into narrative building, character mindset, and practical red teaming.

Israel - Hamas War

📄 Lazar Berman in his article, "Why Did Israel Think a Border Fence Would Protect it from an Army of Terrorists?" sheds light on Israel's strategic considerations and challenges. 


📄 Recent (July 2023) polls conducted by the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy revealed a majority of Gazans opposed breaking the ceasefire with Israel. 


📄 The Council on Foreign Relations provides a comprehensive backgrounder on Hamas - updated after the Hamas attack.


📄 Souria Cheurfi's "News Coverage of Israel and Palestine Makes Me Ashamed to be a Journalist," challenges us to think critically about the media narratives surrounding this issue. 


📄 The ADL's report on the dramatic increase in U.S. antisemitic incidents following the 7 October Hamas attack highlights the types of incidents that are occurring because of the conflict. 


Climate Change Activism and Violence

From Environmentalism to Climate Catastrophism

A Sensible Environmentalism – Steven F. Hayward

How does permitting for clean energy infrastructure work? - Rayan Sud and Sanjay Patnaik

Is eco-terrorism now self-defence? Inside explosive film How to Blow Up a Pipeline

The Geopolitics of Critical Minerals Supply Chains 

Radical eco-activists have made it into mainstream fiction. Is reality next?

Everything to Know About Climate Activist Group Just Stop Oil 

The surprising science of climate protests

What Terrorism Will Look Like in the Near Future 

“Eco-Terrorism”: An Incident-Driven History of Attack (1973–2010) 

Should the Climate Movement Embrace Sabotage? 

Eco-terrorism: Do we need a Green Army Faction? 

Climate Change - Terrorism Nexus? A Preliminary Review/Analysis of the Literature 

Climate Change, Environmental Terrorism, Eco-Terrorism and Emerging Threats

Elections and Polling

1. London School of Economics - "The Politics of Polling: Why Are Polls Important During Elections?"

2. Niskanen Center - "The Past and Future of Polling"

3. Scientific American - "Why Polls Were Mostly Wrong"

4. Pew Research Center - "Confronting 2016 and 2020 Polling Limitations"

5. Vanderbilt University - "Polling Problems and Why We Should Still Trust (Some) Polls"

Travel Security

🔹Government Travel Advice
- Australia:
- Canada:
- France:
- Ireland:
- Netherlands:
- Singapore:
- UK:
- US:
- OSAC Country Security Reports:

🔹General Travel
- Wikitravel:
- Tip: Research locations and hotels on travel booking sites for reviews.

- Global Protest Tracker (Carnegie Endowment):

- Country Reports on Terrorism:
- Global Terrorism Index:
- CIA World Factbook:

🔹Law Enforcement/Arbitrary Detention
- Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index:
- Country Reports on Human Rights Practices:

🔹Road Safety
- Global Status Report on Road Safety 2023 (Release on Dec 13):

- CDC Travel Destinations:
- Travel Health Pro:

🔹Natural Disasters
- NASA Earth Data:
- Reliefweb:
- USGS Earthquake Hazards:

- National Cyber Security Index:

Chinese Policy

📚 Key Books on Chinese Foreign Policy:
1. "On China" by Henry Kissinger
2. "The Long Game" by Doshi
3. "Spies and Lies" by Alex Joske
4. "The Hundred-Year Marathon" by Michael Pillsbury

💡 Insightful Reads on Chinese Politics:
- "Chinese Politics in the XI Jinping Era: Reassessing Collective Leadership" by Cheng Li
- "Ten ways China has changed under Xi Jinping" by Reuters

📃 Articles on Taiwan:
- "Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense" by the Council on Foreign Relations
- "How Would China Take Over Taiwan? One of These 5 Strategies" by AEI
- "An American perspective on the role of Taiwan in US-China relations" by Brookings
- "Taiwan: Defense and Military Issues" by Congressional Research Services 
- "Why Taiwan Matters to Beijing" by the Heritage Foundation

Russia and Ukraine

📚 Books

Ukraine and Russia: From Civilized Divorce to Uncivil War – Paul D’Anieri
Gives a history of Ukraine, the Russia-Ukraine relationship, and Russian antagonism with the West that all concatenated in the initial war in 2014.

Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine - Anne Applebaum
Discusses the famine caused by Joseph Stalin in the 1930s and how he attempted to destroy the Ukrainian national movement.

The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine - Serhii Plokhy
Plokhy explores the idea of a Ukrainian identity as it has historically sat between several different cultures and civilizations, including the Romans, Ottomans, Soviets, and Western Europe.

The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin – Steven Lee Myers
A detailed biography of the Russian leader, it is an insightful text that helps explain Putin’s foreign policy and behavior based on his life and ideology.

The Emergence of Rus 750-1200 - Simon Franklin and Jonathan Shepard
Russia has its origins in Kyivan Rus, a medieval state, and Russia’s interpretation of that history forms its justification for its war on Ukraine.

📃 Articles

Ukraine’s Volunteer IT Army Confronts Tech, Legal Challenges - David Kirichenko (CEPA)

A midwinter update on Ukraine - Constanze Stelzenmüller (Brookings)

Surge Capacity in the Defense Munitions Industrial Base - Mackenzie Eaglen (AEI)

Ukraine: Conflict at the Crossroads of Europe and Russia – Jonathan Masters (CFR)

Conflict in Ukraine: A timeline (2014 – eve of 2022 invasion) (House of Commons Library, UK Parliament)

Great Power Politics

📚 Books

The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (3rd edition) - John Mearsheimer
Mearsheimer's work on the major conflict of the last 200 years is a fundamental study of how great power politics influences practically everything. Even if you are not a neorealist, this is a seminal study for all analysts of international relations.

World Order - Henry Kissinger
Each civilization and culture has its understanding of how international relations should work, and Kissinger expertly walks through how everyone from Europe to Russia to the Islamic world understands conflict, war, and foreign policy. 

The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order - Samuel Huntington
This is a controversial work, but Huntington delineates how culture is intimately tied to concepts of security and the national interest. Even if analysts come to reject his thesis, they should understand how broader cultural issues influence a government's view of its security.

From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations since 1776 - George C. Herring
The United States remains the world's most powerful country, but it has taken a peculiar and winding road on that journey. That transition from a colony of the world's greatest empire to the global hegemon is worth studying because the world has gone through significant changes in major powers.

Superpower Illusions: How Myths and False Ideologies Led America Astray - Jack Matlock
This work is a critique of both the political left and right's interpretation of the end of the Cold War and the post-Cold War era. Matlock describes how the Cold War likely ended in 1988 (as opposed to 1991) and how the United States misused its hegemonic status. Similar to Jeane Kirkpatrick's Making War to Keep Peace, this critical view of American foreign policy is important for analysts to understand great power politics.

📃 Research Articles

The return to great-power rivalry was inevitable (Brookings Institution)

The New Great Power Politics (Geopolitics and Gin)

Great-Power Competition and Conflict in the 21st Century Outside the Indo-Pacific and Europe (RAND Corporation)

The Persistence of Great-Power Politics (Foreign Affairs)

Stress Testing American Grand Strategy II (AEI)

China's Economy

📖 Books
- Belt and Road: A Chinese World Order by Bruno Maçães 
The Belt and Road Initiative has been both a critical mechanism for economic growth and foreign policy, and as analysts are assessing the Chinese economy they need to understand BRI’s history and goals.

- The Rise and Fall of the EAST by Yasheng Huang 
A book on the political economy of China. Huang expertly walks through how China’s faltering economy is directly connected to the CCP’s approach to governance.

- The New China Playbook by Keyu Jin
An optimistic assessment by a Chinese economist, Jin focuses on how the country is using capitalism to its advantage to become a global superpower.

- Dealing with China by Henry Paulson
Paulson gives unique insights into China’s economic approach as he describes from his personal experience as the head of Goldman Sachs and Treasury Secretary dealing with China.

- The Hundred-Years Marathon by Michael Pillsbury
This book looks at the long struggle that will occur between the United States and China with an emphasis on China’s strategic outlook. It provides some necessary context to China’s economic behavior and approach.

📒 Reports
- China's Economic Forecast: The View from Congress (CSIS)

- Central Bank Digital Currencies and U.S. Strategic Competition with China (Rand)

- Better but Not Well: China’s Global Investment Needs More Fuel (AEI)

- Peak China: Why do China’s growth projections differ so much? (Brookings)

- Understanding China, Parts 1 & 2 (Geopolitics and Gin)


📚 Books
Meditations – Marcus Aurelius
Stoicism permeates the security profession, and many professionals are familiar with the basic concepts. However, there is no better work for applicable and practical wisdom.

Confessions – Augustine of Hippo
Augustine is an important theologian in Western history because he combined Pauline theology with Neoplatonist philosophy, and this autobiography delves into many of the most important developments of his thoughts.

The Story of Philosophy – Will Durant
This is an excellent book that covers everyone from Plato to Nietzsche, and it is a helpful introduction to complicated ideas. This is a great book for those not accustomed to reading philosophical works.

The Prince – Niccolo Machiavelli
This short book is essential reading for all security professionals because Machiavelli explicitly describes how power works and can be effective.

Sovereignty – Jean Bethke Elshtain
How one views the sovereignty of God connects to how they view the sovereignty of the state and subsequently the sovereignty of the self. That is the thesis of Elshtain’s magnum opus where she traces the idea of sovereignty over the last 1,500 years to explain modern concepts.

The Roots of American Order – Russell Kirk
Kirk traces the historical lineage of the Western tradition and how that became the idea of America, which was a combination of Greek philosophy, Roman law, Christianity, and British economics. This is an intellectual history that shows the impact of older ideas on political development.

Democracy and Leadership – Irving Babbitt
Humanistic principles lead Babbitt to critique much of the philosophical world, and he expertly describes why so many political ideas have failed when applied to governance.

Russia-Ukraine War

The Limits of Russian Manipulation: National Identity and the Origins of the War in Ukraine (Rand)

The Cost of the Ukraine War for Russia (Rand)

Does the West’s Ukraine policy need a reality check? (Brookings)

Russian cyber and information warfare in practice (Chatham House)

Evolution Not Revolution: Drone Warfare in Russia’s 2022 Invasion of Ukraine (CNAS)

Can Europe Hold the Line on Ukraine? (FPRI)

Russian Military Objectives and Capacity in Ukraine Through 2024 (RUSI)

Russian threat actors dig in, prepare to seize on war fatigue (Microsoft)

The Geopolitics of Semiconductors

📚 Books

Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology – Chris Miller
The definitive book on the geopolitical competition over semiconductors, Miller gives a brilliant history and discussion of the major issues facing nation-states and corporations for this issue.

The Code: Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America – Margaret O’Mara
O’Mara offers a detailed history of Silicon Valley in which semiconductors played a significant role, and her major contribution to the literature is essential historical reading to understand how the tech sector developed.

Freedom’s Forge – Arthur Herman
While not directly about semiconductors, Herman gives the history of the defense industrial base during World War II, and this is essential reading for understanding the role of businesses in supporting governments in geopolitical competition.

Geniuses at War: Bletchley Park, Colossus, and the Dawn of the Digital Age – David Price
Bletchley Park during World War II was one of the most important points of development in digital electronic circuits through the combined efforts of Tommy Flowers, Max Newman, and Alan Turing, and knowing this history helps with understanding the role of technology in geopolitics.

The New Fire: War, Peace, and Democracy in the Age of AI – Ben Buchanan and Andrew Imbrie
The point of advanced semiconductors is to advance computational power. Buchanan and Imbrie astutely assess how AI (and semiconductors) can and do impact geopolitical issues around war and politics.

📄 Articles

Supply Chain Interdependence and Geopolitical Vulnerability: The Case of Taiwan and High-End Semiconductors (Rand)

The Geopolitics of Semiconductors (Eurasia Group)

The Geopolitics of the Semiconductor Industry and India’s Place in It (Carnegie Endowment)

Semiconductors and National Defense: What Are the Stakes? (CSIS)

Semiconductors and the CHIPS Act: The Global Context (Congressional Research Service)

Women in Security

📚 Books
Political Risk by Condoleezza Rice and Amy Zegart
This book specifically focuses on political and geopolitical risks to corporations.

Spies, Lies, and Algorithms by Amy Zegart
Zegart provides brilliant scholarship on how new technologies, especially AI, are changing intelligence analysis and collection for both the government and private sector. 

No Higher Honor by Condoleezza Rice
This is the former Secretary of State’s memoir, but it reads more like a foreign policy book that explores important diplomatic, security, and geopolitical issues. Rice’s writing style makes the prose easily consumable for readers.

Just War Against Terror by Jean Bethke Elshtain
Ethical concerns are a critical aspect of security discussions. In this book, Elshtain applies Augustinian just war theory to the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, but she also uses theorists and theologians like Hannah Arendt, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to explore the ethics of violence.

Making War to Keep Peace by Jeane Kirkpatrick
Following the Cold War, American foreign policy ran into several problems. Kirkpatrick provides a survey of American military operations from 1991-2003 and demonstrates how mismatching force with political objectives leads to loss.

What Terrorists Want by Louise Richardson
Richardson gives an excellent introduction to the topic, history, and behavior of terrorists. This book is useful for creating a base framework of information.

Oil, the State, and War by Emma Ashford
Ashford is a scholar focusing on the global oil market and geopolitics, and this book explores the geopolitical implications of oil production and export in states such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Venezuela.

This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends by Nicole Perlroth
Cybersecurity includes a marketplace for offensive tools, and Perlroth documents how governments and hackers buy and sell these tools that can cause significant damage. There are several fascinating episodes where she describes attending literal marketplaces and meeting with some of the major black and white hat hackers. 

SPQR by Mary Beard
No education in security is complete without understanding the Roman Republic and empire, and Beard is a leading scholar on the subject. This is one of the best one-volume works on ancient Rome that anyone can read.

Deep Dive by Rae Baker
OSINT is primarily about a mindset, and Baker’s book focuses on several anecdotes to demonstrate how to apply that mindset while using the best available tools. This is an especially useful book to learn how to do OSINT and apply the mindset.

Politics and Islam

📚 Books
Introduction to Islam by Tariq Ramadan
Ramadan’s book is an excellent introduction for those with little to no experience with or education in Islam. This is a helpful guide to begin a theological understanding of Islam and how the religion deals with contemporary issues. 

The Many Faces of Political Islam by Mohammed Ayoob and Danielle Nicole Lussier
A useful exploration of political Islam, which is a significantly more complicated topic than just Islamism of the twentieth century. This book looks at the many different ways Islam and politics interact and influence each other. 

Islam and the West by Bernard Lewis
Bernard Lewis was one of the West's foremost scholars of Islamic history and culture, and this book looks at how Islam has interacted with Europe from the start of the religion to contemporary politics to the linguistic challenges of Arabic translations.

Covering Islam by Edward Said
Said coined the idea of Orientalism in the 1970s, and he has been a consistent critic of the way the West views Islam and the Middle East. This text focuses on how the Western media leads to distorted perceptions of the Muslim world.

Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement by Daniel Byman
There is an ideological link between Islamism and jihadist terrorism, and Byman explains how this political theology impacts the behavior and targeting of transnational groups like al-Qaeda and Islamic State.

📃 Articles
Basics of Islam (Yaqeen Institute) 

Islam, State and Politics: Separate but Interactive (Brookings) 

A Qualitative Study of Ramadan (BYU)

Islam and the Patterns in Terrorism and Violent Extremism (CSIS)

Rethinking Political Islam (Brookings)

Putin's Russia

📚 Books
Putin's World: Russia Against the West and with the Rest by Angela Stent
Putin has a specific worldview that has determined his foreign policy and approach to geopolitics. Stent dives into Putin’s ideology, Russian history, and international relations to explain recent geopolitical issues.

Russia in the Age of Peter the Great by Lindsey Hughes
Russia is deeply defined by czarist history with Peter the Great being the most important czar by forming the archetype of what a Russian leader should be. This book will help give a broad overview of late 17th/early 18th century Russian history to understand modern political issues. 

Putin's People by Catherine Belton
Looking at the importance of Putin’s time in the KGB, Belton details how he and fellow KGB agents were able to rise to power in Russia, creating a new set of oligarchs and fundamentally changing the Russian economy and legal system. 

Russia's Foreign Policy (5th ed.) by Andrei Tsygankov
This book looks at the last thirty years of Russian foreign policy, and it shows how the concepts of national interest and national identity are deeply connected in Russia. 

Hybrid Warfare: The Russian Approach to Strategic Competition & Conventional Military Conflict by Curtis Fox
While politics, identity, ideology, and history are all important, analysts should also understand military doctrine and strategy, which this book delineates. Written by a former special forces operator, Fox uses his personal experience and expertise to give insight into Russia’s military approach. 

📄 Articles
Imagining Russia’s future after Putin (Chatham)

Russia's 2024 presidential election: What is at stake and what is not (European Parliament)

Aleksandr Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics (Stanford) 

Russian Domestic Politics: The Coming Spiral of Repression (Penn Global) 

From Historical Fallacy to Tragic, Criminal Loss: Putin’s Case for Invading Ukraine (Wilson Center) 

Understanding Russia: Insecurity and Authority (Geopolitics & Gin)


📚 Books

The Scramble for Africa by Thomas Pakenham
- Colonial history in the 19th century still has a large impact on Africa, and this book focuses on the “scramble for Africa” from 1876-1912, which is important for understanding several contemporary issues. 

China's Relations with Africa by Joshua Eisenman and David H. Shinn
- Great power competition in Africa focuses on the US and China, and this book is an excellent introduction to China’s goals and approach to the continent. 

Inside Al-Shabaab by Dan Joseph and Harun Maruf
- Terrorism remains a major issue in Africa, especially with groups connected to major jihadists like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. This is an excellent read on one of the most important Islamist terrorist groups in Africa.

Africa and the World by Francis Kornegay (Editor)
- A scholar discussion of the geopolitics of Africa from an African perspective, this is an extremely useful text that deals with both the history and possible future of the region. 

US Policy Toward Africa by Herman Cohen
- Starting with FDR, Cohen goes through the past eighty years of US foreign policy towards Africa and its connection to broader geopolitical issues that concern American interests. For Cohen, US foreign policy goes beyond the ideological and is deeply connected to the relevant personalities of critical figures. 

📑 Articles

Why Africa Will Become a Prominent Player in Global Geopolitics (WEF)

China-Africa Relations (Chatham House) 

Prospects for U.S. Minerals Engagement with Africa (CSIS) 

Foresight Africa 2024 (Brookings) 

Africa and Global Competition (Geopolitics & Gin)


📚 Books
Enduring Alliance by Timothy Sayle
Sayle gives a detailed history of the conceptualization and implementation of the North Atlantic Treaty that created NATO and how the organization interacted with and impacted the global order. Importantly, this book shows how negotiations for intergovernmental organizations across generations can be especially difficult in democratic countries. 

NATO 2030 by Jason Blessing (ed.)
More prescriptive than descriptive, this is an interesting book that looks at how NATO’s strategic concepts need to change for the 21st century and includes significant contributions from policymakers and academics.

Defense of the West by Stanley Sloan
A useful introduction to NATO, Sloan uses the framework of the treaty as an evolving bargain between the member countries with the bargain changing from the Cold War to the post-Cold War world.

How NATO Adapts by Seth Johnston
Similar to Sloan’s work, Johnston assesses how NATO went from an organization meant to "keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down” to a multifaceted security organization. Johnston’s work focuses on how, unlike other intergovernmental organizations, NATO has been far more adaptive to geopolitical needs.

Evaluating NATO Enlargement by James Goldgeier and Joshua Shifrinson (eds.)
Writings by an interdisciplinary group of scholars and practitioners, this book reviews the history and consequences of NATO’s post-Cold War enlargement and provides an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of that enlargement.

📑 Articles
The North Atlantic Treaty

NATO’s Purpose After the Cold War (Brookings)

NATO and the European Union: The Burden of Sharing (CSIS)

NATO enlargement at twenty-five: How we got there and what it achieved (Atlantic Council)

Why NATO Has Become a Flash Point With Russia in Ukraine (CFR)

Corporate Reputation Warfare

📚 Books
▪ Influence by Robert Cialdini
This is the central text on understand what influences human behavior and delineates the important psychological and social issues that lead people to accept false information or change their behavior.

▪ The Misinformation Age by Cailin O’Connor and James Weatherall
Written by philosophers of science, they argue that rather than individual psychological factors, it is social factors that are critical to understanding the spread and persistence of false beliefs.

▪ Rethinking Reputational Risk by Anthony Fitzsimmons and Derek Atkins
Approaching the issue from a business perspective, this book looks at the unseen factors that cause or catalyze crises that leader to reputational disasters. 

▪ Active Measures by Thomas Rid
The history of disinformation goes back decades, and Rid looks at how governments in the Cold War up through troll farms in the 2016 election have used disinformation to achieve political aims.

▪ LikeWar by Peter W. Singer
Singer looks specifically at how social media is used by threat actors (state and non-state) to spread disinformation and misinformation, and he looks at the structural political issues that contribute to this problem.

📄 Articles
▪ Measuring the Effects of Influence Operations: Key Findings and Gaps From Empirical Research (Carnegie Endowment) 

▪ Reputation and Its Risks (Harvard Business Review) 

▪ Chinese Disinformation Efforts on Social Media (Rand)

▪ The disaster of misinformation: a review of research in social media (National Institute of Health)

▪ Why Reputational Risk is a Security Risk (Security Magazine) 

▪ 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer (Edelman)


📚 Books

▪ Drone Wars by Seth J. Frantzman
Focusing on the military application of drones, this book gives a detailed modern history of the use of drones in warfare, counterterrorism, and general conflict.

▪ Army of None by Paul Scharre
The concept of drones goes beyond flying machines to autonomous weapons, and security professionals need to seriously consider what happens when drones are allowed to “think” for themselves independent of operator control.

▪ Drones and Terrorism by Nicholas Grossman
Grossman expertly describes how terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, have deeply incorporated drones into their arsenals, and that this is a fundamental issue as asymmetric wars are the norms, meaning most sub-state actors will use drones in the future of conflict.

▪ Drones and the Ethics of Targeted Killing by Kenneth Himes
While there are many texts available on the technological and policy issues for drones, security professionals need to also consider the large moral questions, and not just from a nation-state’s perspective. Ethics matters in security, and Himes gives a useful framework to think about this issue. 

▪ Commercial Drone Law by Timothy M. Ravich (Editor)
When considering possible security protocols and approaches to drones, security teams must deal with the complex web of legal issues around both drones and counter-drone technology. This ABA-published book is a strong guide on the complex legal problems security teams will face.

📄 Articles

▪ InfoSwarms: Drone Swarms and Information Warfare (Army War College) 

▪ The Role of Drones in Future Terrorist Attacks (Association of the US Army) 

▪ Countering the Emerging Drone Threat to Correctional Security (RAND) 

▪ Why Consumer Drones Represent a Special Cybersecurity Risk (Security Intelligence) 

▪ Requirements and Rules for Part 107 License


📚 Books
▪ Guests of the Ayatollah by Mark Bowden
This is a detailed book on the Iranian hostage crisis during the revolution in which Americans from the embassy were held hostage for 444 days. It is the defining moment between the US and Iran and impacts all aspects of foreign relations between the two countries.

▪ Immortal: A Military History of Iran and Its Armed Forces by Steven Ward
Iran’s military structure is different from other regional powers because they inherited the culture of Persian and Shia empires. This book is an excellent introduction to understanding Iran’s military structure, strategic approach, and behavior.

▪ Iran's Qods Force: Proxy Wars, Terrorism, and the War on America by Owen Sirrs
The IRGC’s Qods Force is the central military player for Iran as the country’s elite clandestine wing, and the regime has used them extensively in unconventional warfare. Proxy forces are essential to Iranian strategy, and this book explains why and how Iran uses those proxy forces via the Qods Force.

▪ Countdown to Zero Day by Kim Zetter
A book about the Stuxnet attack on the Natanz nuclear facility, Zetter gives a brilliant account of both how the Stuxnet virus was developed and its impact on Iranian cybersecurity. Stuxnet is critical to know why Iran changed its approach to cybersecurity.

▪ Empire of Terror: Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps by Mark Silinsky
Silinsky offers useful insight into the animated ideology behind the IRGC, the most important institution in Iran’s security infrastructure. By assessing their ideological principles, analysts can better forecast IRGC behavior in the region. 

📄 Articles
▪ The Regent of Allah: Ali Khamenei's Political Evolution in Iran (WINEP)

▪ Iran's Security Policy in the Post-Revolutionary Era (RAND) 

▪ Profiles of Leading Iranian-Backed Militias (FDD) 

▪ How Iran evades sanctions and finances terrorist organizations (Atlantic Council)

▪ The Soft War: Understanding Iran’s Domestic Ideological Crisis (AEI)


▪ Perspectives on the Shinzo Abe Assassination (Ontic)

▪ Navalny’s Death Highlights a New Global Division on Political Violence (Carnegie) 

▪ How Conspiracy Theories Can Kill (Anti-Defamation League) 

▪ Assassination in the United States: An Operational Study (Journal of Forensic Sciences) 

▪ Hit or Miss? The Effect of Assassinations on Institutions and War (Kellogg School of Management)

▪ Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders (CIA) 

▪ Witnesses to History: Two Alumni and the McKinley Assassination (Galter Center)

▪ “Examining the Current Status of Iran’s Axis of Resistance and the Implications for Homeland Security and U.S. Interests” (Committee on Homeland Security) 

▪ In Mexico’s supersized election, a wave of assassinations has put democracy itself in the crosshairs (CNN)

Maritime Security

📚 Books

▪ Sea Power and American Interests in the Western Pacific by David C. Gompert
US-China competition is fierce within the Pacific, and Gompert assesses the deeply complicated and impactful geopolitical conflict taking place in the maritime area.

▪ Understanding Naval Warfare (3rd Ed) by Ian Speller
Naval warfare is essential to geopolitical competition, and this book describes both the history of naval warfare along with modern issues like Sino-American competition and lessons from the Russian-Ukraine War.

▪ Issues in Maritime Cyber Security by Fred Roberts, Nicole Drumhiller, Joseph DiRenzo (Editors)
Because maritime supply chains are heavily reliant on advanced technology, there are a significant number of risks from cyberattacks. This anthology looks at the various issues found within maritime cybersecurity that the supply chain faces.

▪ Understanding Maritime Security by Christian Bueger and Timothy Edmunds (Upcoming May 31)
This promising upcoming book will provide “a concise introduction to the history of security at sea and explain the core frameworks of analysis that professionals use to understand and tackle challenges to maritime order.”

📄 Articles

▫ Worlds of Access or Absence: Supply Security and Maritime Security in an Era of Intense Geopolitical Competition (Hague Centre for Strategic Studies) 

▫ Navigating Complex Maritime Security Challenges in the Black and Mediterranean Seas (RAND) 

▫ Houthi Attacks in the Red Sea: Issues for Congress (CRS) 

▫ 2023 Cyber Trends and Insights in the Marine Environment Report (US Coast Guard) 

▫ The Evolving Nature of Southeast Asia’s Maritime Security Threats (Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative) 

▫ Securing The Undersea Cable Network (Hoover Institution)

The Geopolitics of Space

📄 Articles
Critical Geopolitics of Outer Space by Julie Michelle Klinger (Geopolitics)

The geopolitical space race – with Tim Marshall (RUSI) 

The role of space power in geopolitical competition (Council of Geostrategy) 

Critical Astropolitics: The geopolitics of space control and the transformation of state sovereignty 

Environmental Geopolitics and Outer Space (Geopolitics) 

Space Power and Europe in the 21st Century (ETH Zurich) 

Space Weaponization (Air University) 

Space as a Warfighting Domain (CRS) 

Global Counterspace Capabilities Report (Secure World Foundation) 

Lost in Space: An Exploration of Current Gaps in Space Law (Seattle Journal of Technology, Environmental & Innovation Law) 

Futures of Deep Space Exploration, Commercialization, and Colonization (NASA) 

How Space Debris Threatens Modern Life (Financial Times) 

🎧 Podcast
War is Space (RUSI)

Cybersecurity and Geopolitics

📚 Books
The Hacker and the State by Ben Buchanan
This is the best book on the topics of geopolitics and cybersecurity because it directly describes how states utilize cyberattacks and cyberdefense. Buchanan includes sufficiently technical information that readers gain a real understanding of cybersecurity, and he roots the discussion in international relations theory and scholarship.

The Fifth Domain by Richard Clarke and Robert Knake
The best introduction to cybersecurity, this book looks at the “fifth domain” for warfare (land, sea, air, and space being the four others). Written for those without technical training, anyone interested in the geopolitics of cybersecurity should start with this book.

This is How They Tell Me the World Ends by Nicole Perlroth
Like other security issues, cyber weapons have a well-developed marketplace, and Perloth explores that global market by interviewing sellers and dealers while documenting how cyber weapons are sold to blackhat hackers and governments alike.

@War: The Rise of the Military Internet Complex by Shane Harris
A book on the early history of cyberwar, Harris gives important backstory to how governments (especially the United States) used technology companies in the War on Terror, creating the basis for these companies to directly participate in geopolitics and warfare.

Countdown to Zero Day by Kim Zetter
No cyberattack better explains the geopolitics of cybersecurity than Stuxnet. Zetter details in an easily readable tome how Stuxnet happened, how it impacted geopolitics, and the dramatic investigation that uncovered the purpose of the virus.

📄 Articles
Framework and Terminology for Understanding Cyber-Enabled Economic Warfare (FDD)

Cyberspace and Geopolitics: Assessing Global Cybersecurity Norm Processes at a Crossroads (Carnegie) 

The geopolitics of AI and the rise of digital sovereignty (Brookings)

Cyber Operations during the Russo-Ukrainian War (CSIS) 

Geopolitical Factors Shaping the Future of the Cyber Domain (Critical Start)

Geopolitics and Climate Change


▪ World Meteorological Organization (WMO) - State of the Global Climate 2023

▪ World Economic Forum - 4 ways geopolitical tensions are increasing carbon emissions

▪ Atlantic Council - A new security challenge: The geopolitical implications of climate change

▪ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - How Climate Change Will Reshape Economic Statecraft

▪ Director of National Intelligence - National Intelligence Estimate Climate Change and International Responses Increasing Challenges to 
US National Security Through 2040

▪ Brookings - A new framework for how firms can manage climate risks

▪ Lloyd's - Shifting Powers: Climate cooperation, chaos or competition? Managing geopolitical risk from the climate transition

▪ Foreign Policy - The Next Wave of Extremists Will Be Green

▪ Journal of Strategic Security - Climate Change, Environmental Terrorism, Eco-Terrorism and Emerging Threats

▪ SAIS Review of International Affairs - Did We See It Coming?: State Fragility, Climate Vulnerability, and the Uprisings in Syria and Egypt

▪ The Food Crises and Political Instability in North Africa and the Middle East

US Economy

📚 Books

🔹 Capitalism in America by Alan Greenspan and Adrian Wooldridge
In this tome, Greenspan and Wooldridge detail the history of markets and the political economy of the United States from the Founding to the present day. This economic history provides a useful framework to understand broader economic trends and how policy choices impact GDP growth.

🔹 The Founders and Finance by Thomas McCraw
The two most important economic figures in US history were Alexander Hamilton and Albert Gallatin because of their influence on the early Republic’s ability to move from an agrarian to an industrial economy. Without Hamilton’s financial infrastructure and the national bank, the US could never become the world’s leading economy.

🔹 The Next American Economy by Samuel Gregg
Gregg discusses how the US is a “commercial republic” due to the influence of men like Hamilton, and that the US will need to focus on policy choices to maintain its status as such in the 21st century.

🔹 The Age of Turbulence by Alan Greenspan
Half memoire, half economics discourse, in this book Greenspan goes through the way financial markets operate in a post-industrial economy and how monetary policy critically impacts markets. 

🔹 The Courage to Act by Ben Bernanke
Bernanke led the Federal Reserve during the Great Recession (financial crisis in 2007), and this insider’s account helps explain how the US does monetary policy, which is one of the most important policy areas for economic growth (e.g., their impact on mortgage rates).

📄 Articles

🔹 Why Trump's tariff proposals would harm working Americans (PIIE) 

🔹 Understanding Trends in Worker Pay over the Past 50 Years (AEI) 

🔹 How will the Federal Reserve decide when to end “quantitative tightening”? (Brookings) 

🔹 Technological and Economic Threats to the U.S. Financial System (RAND) 

🔹 Inclusive Innovation for U.S. Economic Growth and Resiliency (CSIS)


📚 Books
Why Men Rebel by Ted Robert Gurr
Gurr’s classical text on rebellion posits that revolutions are caused by relative deprivation, meaning that people engage in political violence when they believe they should be at a specific level socially or economically, but they are not. This is the critical text for studying revolutions and coups.

On Revolution by Hannah Arendt
Arendt, the great 20th century political theorist, explains why the French Revolution was a failure while the American Revolution was successful because the Founding Fathers adhered to Constitutio Libertatis, the attempt to establish a country based on political freedom being guaranteed for all. This text helps explain why some revolutions are successful while others are not.

The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Paperback by Bernard Bailyn
The American Revolution started a wave of other revolutions globally and explicated critical Enlightenment ideals. Bailyn’s book helps explain how ideology and philosophy, not just socio-economic or political factors, influence revolutions and rebellions.

Revolutions in the Atlantic World: A Comparative History Paperback by Wim Klooster
Understanding the history of revolutions is important to understanding their geopolitical and long-term impacts. Klooster looks at how the British, French, and Spanish Atlantic empires were radically transformed by revolutions.

Seizing Power: The Strategic Logic of Military Coups by Naunihal Singh
Singh applies social science to establish a theory of coup dynamics and outcomes based on qualitative data (interviews with coup participants) and a dataset of 471 coup attempts from 1950-2000. This text provides strong empirical analysis for analysts to utilize when assessing modern military coups.

📄 Articles
The evolution of coups in Africa (ISS Africa)

20th Century revolutions: characteristics, types, and waves (Nature)

Understanding Revolutions (CFR) 

What to do about coups? (CFR)

Military History of the American Revolution (Department of Defense)

British Politics

📚 Books
In Good Faith: the UK’s Constitution, Governments and Parliaments by Paul Grant
A useful introduction on the basics of the UK government and constitution, Grant offers a useful description and framework to help people new to the topic analyze the basic issues and policy making process.

Margaret Thatcher by John Campbell
Thatcher fundamentally changed British politics by introducing neoliberalism to the Tory party while forcing Labour to abandon its socialism to be electorally viable. Without understanding Thatcher, analysts cannot understand modern British politics.

The Future of British Foreign Policy: Security and Diplomacy in a World after Brexit by Christopher Hill
Brexit altered geopolitical calculations because it pulled the UK out of Europe and forced the country to rethink how it approaches foreign policy. Hill’s book helps analysts see the possibilities for how British foreign policy can go over the long term.

British Capitalism After the Crisis by Scott Lavery
The global financial crisis in 2007 harmed the British economy, and in several ways, it still has not recovered. This text explores British economic policy following the crisis and issues the UK is facing.

Keeping the Red Flag Flying: The Labour Party in Opposition since 1922 by Mark Garnett, Gavin Hyman, and Richard Johnson
Tories have been in power the majority of the time over the past century, but Labour has still had a tremendous influence on British politics and economics, especially with Attlee and Wilson. This book explains Labour’s history and operations, which is necessary for understanding modern British politics.

📄 Articles
Insight: Why Britain really voted to leave the European Union (University of Essex) 

New Paternalism Meets Older Wisdom (Institute of Economic Affairs)

The UK’s Indo-Pacific tilt and the CPTPP’s prospects (Brookings) 

Three foreign policy priorities for the next UK government (Chatham House) 

The Age Gap in British Political Attitudes (National Centre for Social Research)

Political Theory and Philosophy

1.  The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk
2.  The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek
3.  God and Man at Yale by William F. Buckley
4.  The Conscience of a Conservative by Barry Goldwater and L. Brent Bozell Jr.
5.  Witness by Whitaker Chambers
6.  The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945 by George Nash
7.  Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition by Roger Scruton
8.  Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea by Irving Kristol
9.  Ideas Have Consequences by Richard Weaver
10. The Closing of the American Mind by Alan Bloom
11. Slouching Towards Gomorrah by Robert Bork
12. A Choice Not An Echo by Phyllis Schlafly
13. Suicide of the West by James Burnham
14. The Conservative Revolution by Lee Edwards
15. History of Political Philosophy by Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey

Geopolitics and Sport

📚 Books
Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics - Edited By Alan Bairner, John Kelly, Jung Woo Lee

Sport Politics: An Introduction - Jonathan Grix

The Geopolitical Economy of Sport: Power, Politics, Money, and the State - Edited By Simon Chadwick, Paul Widdop, Michael M. Goldman

Sports in International Politics: Between Power and Peacebuilding - Timothy D. Sisk

Sport and International Politics - Barrie Houlihan

📃 Articles
Gulf sport geopolitics and Western cultural hegemony

Saudi Arabia’s football power grab

Paris 2024: conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East threaten to turn the Olympic Games into a geopolitical battleground

Olympic games are a billion-dollar business and proxy for geopolitical influence

When geopolitical tensions intrude on the Olympic Games

1906 – 2024 Politics and Protest at the Olympics

Soft power: political instrumentalisation of sport?

The Sporting Spirit

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